Castellers de Vilafranca will host the castellers from India in his town the week before the Castle Competition
A delegation of govindas, the castellers from Mumbai to India, will visit Catalonia during the first week of October. The verds will host them in Vilafranca as they did in November 2006 and have organized an intense program of castle and cultural activities. The delegation is made up of 18 people of various ages who come representing the 15 main govinda groups (mandalas) from the hundreds and hundreds of gangs in Mumbai. The main objective of this committee of govindes is to learn first hand the reality of human constructions in Catalonia: testing techniques and methodologies, prevention and safety measures, and the participation of minors in castells, their preparation and training.
Next Wednesday, October 3, this selection of govindas will make an exhibition and offer all castellers fans their most characteristic construction in the garden of Cal Figarot, at 8 in the evening, where they will break the traditional Dahi Handi, the earthenware pot full of yogurt, honey and sweets. This performance is open to everyone and will be the second time they will perform in Vilafranca, since on November 18, 2006 they were able to build a building in the most castellar square next to the verds,
On Saturday 6 the Govindas delegation will travel to Tarragona to attend the second day of international gangs organized as part of the Castles Competition.
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