The day of Saint Felix is celebrated on August 30 in Vilafranca del Penedès, since the beginning of the 19th century. The castle day is one of the most important events of the Vilafranca Major Festival, considered a 'patrimonial festival of national interest' by the Generalitat de Catalunya. It is celebrated in the Plaça de la Vila de Vilafranca, considered "the most castellar square", in large part, because of the memorable days of Sant Fèlix that have been seen there.

Sant Félix's day is the only one that is celebrated on a fixed day (whichever day it falls on) and that has the presence of groups invited from outside the town. The day of Sant Fèlix is the most important castellera performance in the calendar, as the four best gangs in the castellera world at the moment take part. On August 30, in Plaça de la Vila, you can see the best castells of the season, in a framework of historic rivalry between the gangs that gather there.

The best performance ever performed on a Saint Felix Day took place in 2017, where the Castellers de Vilafranca equaled the best performance in the history of the castells unloading the 3 of 10 with lining and handcuffs, the tower of 8, the 3 of 9 with lining and the needle and pillar of 8 with lining and shackles.

The Castellera day is surrounded by a set of events from the first hour, with the matinees through the streets of Vilafranca, the going to office, the pillars at the Als Castellers monument, the entrance to the square and the evening procession (with the entrance of Sant Felix later).

The gangs that have participated in the Sant Fèlix day for the most years have been the Xiquets de Valls (currently, the Colla Vella and the Colla Joves), the Castellers of Vilafranca and the Minyons of Terrassa. Even so, the Nens del Vendrell, the Colla Jove Xiquets de Tarragona, the Xicots de Vilafranca, among others, also participated.

More than 200 years of tradition

During the years of castle decline the only day of the season was for Sant Fèlix in Vilafranca.

Saint Felix 2013

First 3d10fm downloaded.

Saint Felix 2005

First loaded td9f in history.

All the castells of the Saint Felix day

Castles of 9
Extra range
Castles of 10

* data from 1965, the year of the first participation of Castellers de Vilafranca.

The Castellers of Vilafranca in Sant Fèlix

All the castells of the Saint Felix day

Castles of 9
55+14 c
Extra range
8+14 c
Castles of 10

Historic Sant Félix

date Day Featured fact performance
30/08/1965 Saint Felix First performance on Saint Felix Day 5d7c, 3d7, 4d7, pd5
30/08/1971 Saint Felix First 4 of 8 4d8, td7, 5d7, and 3d8
30/08/1972 Saint Felix First pillar of 6 4d8c, td7, pd6, and 3d8, pd5
30/08/1974 Saint Felix First 3 of 8 pd4, 3d8, 4d8c, td7, pd5
30/08/1985 Saint Felix First 5 of 8 3d8, 5d8, and 4d9f, 4d8, pd5
30/08/1989 Saint Felix First 3 of 9 with lining 3d9f, and 4d9f, 4d8, td8f, 2 pd5
30/08/1995 Saint Felix First tower of 9 with lining and shackles. Best performance ever 4d9f, and td9fm, 3d9fc, td9fm, pd7fc
30/08/1997 Saint Felix First 5 of 9 with loaded liner. Best performance ever 5d9fc, td9fm, 4d9fa, pd5
30/08/2000 Saint Felix Best performance ever pd5, 4d9fa, id 5d9f, 5d9f, and td8, td9fmc, pd8fm
30/08/2001 Saint Felix Best performance ever pd4, 4d9fa, 3d10fmc, id 5d9f, 5d9fc, and pd8fm, pd8fm
30/08/2005 Saint Felix First 9 tower with loaded lining in history. Best performance ever pd4, 4d9fa, td9fc, 3d10fmc, pd8fmc
30/08/2013 Saint Felix First 3 out of 10 with lining and shackles. First performance with the 3d10fm and the 4d9 in history. Best performance ever pd4, 4d9fa, 3d10fm, 4d9, pd8fm, pd4
30/08/2016 Saint Felix First 4 out of 10 with loaded liner and shackles pd4, 3d10fm, and 4d10fm, id 3d9fa, 3d9fa, 4d10fmc, pd8fm

All participations

La Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls in Sant Fèlix

All the castells of the Saint Felix day

34+12 c
Castles of 9
15+11 c
Extra range
Castles of 10

Colla Joves Xiquets de Valls

All the castells of the Saint Felix day

29+13 c
Castles of 9
Extra range
5+3 c
Castles of 10

The Minyons of Terrassa in Sant Félix

All the castells of the Saint Felix day

39+1 c
Castles of 9
14+11 c
Extra range
2+1 c
Castles of 10

The Colla Jove Xiquets de Tarragona in Sant Fèlix

All the castells of the Saint Felix day

7+2 c
Castles of 9
2+1 c
Extra range
Castles of 10