date | Day | Featured fact | performance |
14/09/1948 | Sant Cugat Sesgarrigues | First performance | 2 pd4, pd4, 4d6, 3d6, pd4, pd5 |
16/06/1949 | Corpus | First tower of 6 | td6 |
31/08/1949 | San Ramon | First performance for Festa Major | 3d7, 4d7, td6, pd5 |
05/08/1954 | Vilanova - FM | First 4 of 7 with the needle | 4d7a |
30/08/1965 | Saint Felix | First performance on Saint Felix Day | 5d7c, 3d7, 4d7, pd5 |
26/09/1965 | Can Jorba competition | First 5 of 7 | 3d7, and 5d7, 5d7, 4d7a, pd5 |
24/08/1969 | Equalized | First tower of seven | td7, 4d7, 3d7, pd5, pd5 |
12/10/1969 | Day of the Gang | First 4 of 8 loaded | 3d7, 4d8c, 2 pd5, pd5 |
30/08/1971 | Saint Felix | First 4 of 8 | 4d8, td7, 5d7, and 3d8 |
19/12/1971 | Day pillar of six | First pillar of 6 loaded | and pd6, pd6c, 2 pd5, pd4 |
30/08/1972 | Saint Felix | First pillar of 6 | 4d8c, td7, pd6, and 3d8, pd5 |
01/10/1972 | Castles competition | First 3 of 8 loaded. First Castle Competition won | pd6c, 4d8, td7, 3d8c |
12/10/1973 | Castells Mobles Quer contest | First rook of 8 with loaded lining | and pd6, and pd6, td8fc, and 3d8, 4d8, and pd7f, and 3d7s |
25/11/1973 | Day of the Gang | First 3 of 7 raised below | and 3d8, 3d7s, 4d7, pd5 |
30/08/1974 | Saint Felix | First 3 of 8 | pd4, 3d8, 4d8c, td7, pd5 |
17/11/1974 | Day of the Gang | First tower of 8 with lining | pd5, td8f, 5d7, 2 pd5 |
30/08/1985 | Saint Felix | First 5 of 8 | 3d8, 5d8, and 4d9f, 4d8, pd5 |
31/08/1987 | San Ramon | First 3 of 9 with loaded liner | 3d9fc, td7, 4d8, pd5 |
01/11/1987 | All Saints | First 4 of 9 with loaded liner | 4d9fc, td8f, 5d7, pd5 |
30/08/1989 | Saint Felix | First 3 of 9 with lining | 3d9f, and 4d9f, 4d8, td8f, 2 pd5 |
01/11/1989 | All Saints | First attempt at 9 tower with lining and shackles in history | and td9fm, and 5d8, 3d8, td7, pd5 |
01/11/1990 | All Saints | First 4 of 9 with lining. First performance with 2 castells again downloaded by a group of the 20th century | 4d9f, 3d9f, td8fc, pd5 |
31/08/1991 | San Ramon | First 9 of 7 (with an enxaneta) | td8f, 9d7, 5d7, 3 pd5 |
11/12/1994 | Saint Lucia | First pillar of 6 loaded from the second pillar era of the group | 4d9f, and td9fm, td8f, 3d8c, pd6c |
14/05/1995 | May fairs | First pillar of 7 with loaded liner | id 4d8, 4d8, td8fc, pd7fc, pd4 |
22/07/1995 | Day pd8fm | First attempt at 8-pillar with 20th century lining and shackles | and pd8fm, and td8f, and td8f, pd5 |
30/08/1995 | Saint Felix | First tower of 9 with lining and shackles. Best performance ever | 4d9f, and td9fm, 3d9fc, td9fm, pd7fc |
31/08/1995 | San Ramon | First pillar of 8 with lining and shackles loaded from the 20th century | 4d9f, pd8fmc, pd5 |
01/10/1995 | market | First pillar of 7 with lining | id 3d9f, 3d8, id 4d9f, 4d8, pd7f, 2 pd5 |
08/10/1995 | Penedès gang meeting | First 4 of 8 with the 20th century needle | 4d8a, id 3d8, 3d8, td8f, 3 pd5 |
01/11/1995 | All Saints | First 4 of 9 with lining and needle loaded with history | 4d9fac, id td9fm, and td9fm, id 3d8, pd8fmc, pd5 |
06/10/1996 | Castles competition | Second Castle Competition won. Best Castle Contest in history | and pd8fm, 3d9f, 4d8ac, 4d9f, td9fm, 3pd5 |
01/11/1996 | All Saints | First 4 of 9 with lining and the needle of the story. Best performance ever. First ever 10 castle foot: 4 by 10 with lining and shackles | 3d9f, td9fm, 4d9fa, 2 pd5 |
30/08/1997 | Saint Felix | First 5 of 9 with loaded liner. Best performance ever | 5d9fc, td9fm, 4d9fa, pd5 |
28/09/1997 | Saint Michael | First pillar of 8 with lining and handles of the 20th century | pd5, td8f, pd8fm, 3d9f, 2 pd5 |
01/11/1997 | All Saints | First 5 of 9 with lining | 5d9f, id td9fm, td9fm, and 4d9fa, id pd8fm, pd8fmc, pd5 |
04/10/1998 | Castles competition | Third Castle Contest won. Best day ever. | td9fm, and 4d9fa, 4d9fa, pd8fmc, 5d9fc, pd5 |
15/11/1998 | Day 3d10fm | First loaded 10 castle in history: 3 out of 10 with lining and shackles | and 3d10fm, td8f, 3d10fmc, 4d8, 2 pd5 |
01/11/1999 | All Saints | First loaded 8 tower in history | and 4d9fa, and 3d10fm, and td8, td8c, pd8fm |
30/08/2000 | Saint Felix | Best performance ever | pd5, 4d9fa, id 5d9f, 5d9f, and td8, td9fmc, pd8fm |
02/06/2001 | Manacor | First 3 of 9 with lining outside Catalonia. Best performance outside Catalonia | 4d8a, 3d9f, td8f, pd7f |
30/08/2001 | Saint Felix | Best performance ever | pd4, 4d9fa, 3d10fmc, id 5d9f, 5d9fc, and pd8fm, pd8fm |
31/08/2001 | San Ramon | First 3 of 9 with liner and 4 of 9 with liner simultaneously unloaded in history. First 2 pillars of 6 simultaneous in history (1 c + 1 d) | id 3d9f, id 4d9f, 3d9f, 4d9f, 2 pd6 |
06/10/2002 | Castles competition | Fourth Castle Competition won. Best Castle Contest in history | 4d9fa, 5d9f, 3d10fmc, and 4d9, pd5 |
01/11/2002 | All Saints | First 4 of 9 loaded. First attempt at 9-pillar with lining, shackles and struts in history | pd4, 4d9c, and 3d10fm, and pd9fmp, td9fm, and pd8fm, pd5 |
03/10/2004 | Castles competition | Fifth Castle Competition won | 4d9fa, pd8fm, td8c, and 3d10fm |
01/11/2004 | All Saints | First attempt at 9 rook with liner | and td9f, id 4d9f, 4d9f, td9fm, and pd8fm, pd5 |
30/08/2005 | Saint Felix | First 9 tower with loaded lining in history. Best performance ever | pd4, 4d9fa, td9fc, 3d10fmc, pd8fmc |
01/11/2005 | All Saints | First attempt of 3 of 9 | and td9f, 4d9f, and 3d9, td8f, 3d9f, pd8fm |
31/08/2006 | San Ramon | First simultaneous 8 lined tower and 7 lined pillar in history | 4d8a, 3d8, pd7f, td8f, pd5 |
01/10/2006 | Castles competition | Sixth Castle Competition won | 4d9fa, 5d9f, and 3d10fm, td8c, pd5 |
29/10/2006 | silos | First 3 of 8 with the history needle | pd4, 3d8a, 4d9f, 5d8, 2 pd4, pd5 |
01/11/2006 | All Saints | First performance in history with 4 castells extra range | 4d9fa, 5d9f, td9fm, pd8fm |
18/01/2008 | Plaza de Armas | America's first lined castle: 8-story tower with lining | pd4, 3d8, td8f, 4d8, 5d7, pd6, 2 pd4, pd5 |
05/10/2008 | Castles competition | Seventh Contest of Castiles won, the fourth in a row | 4d9fa, pd8fm, td8c, 4d9c, pd5 |
31/08/2009 | San Ramon | First 3 of 9 with lining and the needle of the story | 4d9f, 3d9fa, pd8fmc, pd5 |
03/10/2009 | market | First 5 of 8 with the needle of history | 3d9f, 4d9f, 5d8a, pd7f |
03/10/2010 | Castles competition | Eight Castles Competition won, the fifth in a row | 4d9fa, pd8fmc, 5d9f, and td8, pd5 |
01/11/2010 | All Saints | First tower of 8 in history | pd4, 4d9fa, td8, 3d9fa, pd8fm, pd4 |
15/05/2011 | May fairs | First 7 out of 8 in history | 4d8a, 3d9f, 7d8, pd7f, pd4 |
22/08/2011 | Thane - Janmashtami | Best performance in history outside the Catalan Countries | 3d9f, 4d8a, td8f, 2 pd5 |
31/08/2011 | San Ramon | 3d9f, td8, id 4d9fa, 4d9fa, pd8fm | |
18/09/2011 | Santa Tecla | pd4, 3d9f, 4d9f, td8, pd7f | |
01/11/2011 | All Saints | pd4, and 3d10fm, 3d10fmc, td9fc, 5d9f, pd6c | |
07/10/2012 | Castles competition | First 4 of 9. First performance with the tower of 8 and the 4 of 9 unloaded in history. Nové Contest of Castles won, the sixth in a row. Best Castle Contest in history. | 4d9fac, 3d9fac, td8, 4d9, pd4, pd5 |
01/11/2012 | All Saints | First 7 of 9 with story liner. Best performance ever | pd4, td9fc, 4d9, 7d9f, pd8fm, pd4 |
21/07/2013 | The Saints | First 9 out of 8 in history (with an enxaneta) | pd4, 3d9f, td9fm, 9d8, pd7f |
30/08/2013 | Saint Felix | First 3 out of 10 with lining and shackles. First performance with the 3d10fm and the 4d9 in history. Best performance ever | pd4, 4d9fa, 3d10fm, 4d9, pd8fm, pd4 |
01/11/2013 | All Saints | First attempt at 4 out of 10 with liner and shackles ever | 5d9f, 3d10fm, and 4d10fm, 4d9f, pd8fm, pd4 |
11/05/2014 | Circuit of Catalonia | First 3 of 8 and 4 of 8 simultaneous | 3d8, 4d8, pd4, pd5 |
05/10/2014 | Castles competition | Tenth Castle Competition won, the 7th in a row | 4d9fa, 3d9fa, td8c, 3d10fmc, pd4 |
30/05/2015 | Street of Saints | First 2 pillars of 6 simultaneous downloaded. | 4d9f, 3d9f, 3d8a, 2 pd6 |
12/07/2015 | Torredembarra | First 7 of 8 with the history needle | pd4, 3d9f, 4d9f, 7d8a, pd7f |
01/11/2015 | All Saints | Best performance ever | pd4, 3d9fa, td8, 3d10fm, pd8fm, pd4 |
15/08/2016 | La Bisbal | First 3 of 8 raised below | pd5, 3d9fa, 3d8s, 4d9f, pd7f, pd4 |
30/08/2016 | Saint Felix | First 4 out of 10 with loaded liner and shackles | pd4, 3d10fm, and 4d10fm, id 3d9fa, 3d9fa, 4d10fmc, pd8fm |
02/10/2016 | Castles competition | First 4 out of 10 with lining and shackles. Eleventh Castle Competition won, the 8th in a row. Best Castle Contest in history | 3d10fm, td8c, 4d10fm, td8c, pd5 |
27/10/2019 | silos | First 10 out of 8 in history | pd5, id 3d9f, 3d9f, 4d9f, id 10d8, 10d8, pd7f |
02/10/2022 | Castles competition | Twelfth Castle Contest won | 3d10fm, and 4d10fm, 5d9f, 4d9c, 12 pd4, pd5 |
01/11/2022 | All Saints | First pillar of 9 with lining, shackles and struts loaded in history. | pd4, id 3d10fm, 3d10fmc, td9fm, pd9fmpc, 8 pd4, pd5 |