After a few days of inactivity in the castle, the Greens return to the squares to face the last weeks of the season, with All Saints' Day as the final colophon



This weekend the Castellers de Vilafranca will perform their first performances after the Tarragona Castles Competition. A few days of rest to regain strength for the last stretch of the season, with the team's day, All Saints, as the final point in less than three weeks. This week, the Vilafranquins recover the three rehearsals - Monday and Wednesday at half past 9 in the evening and Friday at half past 10 at night - and will perform on Saturday in Montserrat and on Sunday in the Sants neighborhood of Barcelona.


Coinciding with the Vilafranca pilgrimage, and as they usually do year after year, the Greens will perform in the Plaça del Monestir de Montserrat. Unlike other years, this time they will perform on Saturday at half past 1 in the afternoon. The buses will leave Vilafranca at 11 am.



And on Sunday at 12 noon, it will be the turn for the Day of the Castellers de Sants in Plaça Bonet i Muixí. Castellers de Vilafranca will perform together with the hosts and Minyons de Terrassa. The aim of the last few days before All Saints' Day is to film and prepare the castells that the group wants to take to the square on November 1st.