The Castellers de Vilafranca download the classic 8 in the last performance of the season, this Sunday in Vilanova i la Geltrú



The Greens have extended the season by a few days to participate in the 40th anniversary of Bordegassos de Vilanova. 10 days after completing the best performance of all time, those from Vilafranca have put an end to a season of records with the classic 8.


At half past 1 in the afternoon, the performance of the 40th anniversary of the Vilanovina group began, where apart from the hosts, the Minyons de l'Arboç, the Nens del Vendrell and the Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls also took part . In the first round, which was a joint one, Penedès won four out of 8. In the second round, now alone, the Greens won three out of 8, and in the third, again jointly, they completed the tower of 7. Those in the green shirt have put an end to Vilanova's performance with a gap of 5.


With the Castellera season already completed, the last major activity left for Castellers de Vilafranca is the Sopar de la Colla, which will be held next Saturday, November 17 from 9pm in the Cal Figarot boathouse. After dinner there will be a concert with the Mitjanit orchestra.