Els Castellers de Vilafranca presenten l’himne de la Colla
Descarrega-te’l: Amunt Verds!.mp3
Up Greens!
Lletra: Ricard Rafecas – Música: Lluís Giménez
The long history strengthens us
-castellers of soca-rel-
no one will ever be able to twist us,
que junts hem creat la força
with which we pierce the sky.
Let no one dishearten us,
that everyone is on the case,
and so the crow vibrates
plantarem amb equilibri
castells, towers and pillars.
Castellers de Vilafranca,
up, verds, we don't give up,
Castellers de Vilafranca,
Castellers de Vilafranca,
yesterday and always more to the top.
Pins, linings and shackles
in the square they spread the honor
with which fathers, sons and daughters,
and a handful of gangs
fem castells de molt valor.
From low to high,
we have an iron green trunk,
left-wing people, right-wing people
and the brave children flipping
donen fe del nostre seny.
Castellers de Vilafranca,
up, verds, we don't give up,
Castellers de Vilafranca,
Castellers de Vilafranca,
yesterday and always more to the top.
The most castellar square
for Sant Félix makes us great:
The Penedès, with falêra,
it makes a vineyard of hands.
Side by side is not far off
-if it is our commitment-
the fin of Catalonia,
that of a rich and clear country.
Castellers de Vilafranca,
up, verds, we don't give up,
Castellers de Vilafranca,
Castellers de Vilafranca,
yesterday and always more to the top.
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