This Saturday morning, the most participatory edition of the project that the Castellers de Vilafranca started in 2010 will be held at Cal Figarot.





10 educational centers and more than 800 boys and girls from Alt Penedès: this is the expected participation in the new edition of JOVErd, the castells competition between schools and high schools in the region. The project, which this year reaches its fifth edition, has become an event marked on the calendar by the young people of Alt Penedès.


From a castells workshop, each center has made its own team involving students from other years. At the press conference to present the fifth edition of JOVErd, teachers from schools and institutes evaluated the initiative very positively, since, although many hours are needed in order to be able to properly rehearse the structures , the effort is worth it and the values that are transmitted in the castells also improve day to day in the classrooms.


This Saturday, May 17, coinciding with the end of the week of the May Fairs in Vilafranca, more than 800 students will flood the yard and the ship of Cal Figarot to raise their structures. The castells will be assessed by a jury made up of members of Castellers de Vilafranca, in addition to being supervised by castellers and castelleras in order to guarantee good safety. This year, next to the prize for the winning group, a new one is added, the Oriol Rossell trophy, which will reward the group that makes the best castle without involving any castle keeper or falconer in the structure.


Another of the novelties of this fifth edition has been the poster competition to choose the one that will promote JOVErd. The winner was Joan Brull, a student at IES Alt Penedès in Vilafranca. On Monday, the award was presented at the press conference; a copy of the first volume of the history of Castellers de Vilafranca for the center and a polo shirt for the student.


The contest will start at 10 am and will last until noon. The participating centers are the Vilafranca IES Alt Penedès, IES Eugeni d'Ors, IES Milà and Fontanals and the Sant Josep, Sant Elies, Sant Ramon schools and the El Montagut school; the Sant Josep de Sant Sadurní d'Anoia school; the IES El Foix de Santa Margarida and the Monks; and the IES Alt Foix de Sant Martí Sarroca.



Last year nearly 600 students from 9 different educational centers participated in JOVErd.