Record participation in the new edition of the Joverd, which will be held next Saturday, May 18 in Cal Figarot





Another year, and already 4 years ago, a new edition of the Joverd arrives, the project that was born in 2010 to bring the Castellers de Vilafranca and Cal Figarot closer to the young people of the town and the region. This year with a double record: registered centers and participation. A total of 9 centers and 500 students will participate this Saturday morning in the castells competition between secondary schools in Alt Penedès. They will be IES El Foix (the current champions), IES Alt Penedès, IES Eugeni d'Ors, IES Milà i Fontanals, IES de Sant Martí Sarroca, the Montagut school, the Col· legion of Sant Josep de Vilafranca, Sant Josep de Sant Sadurní and Sant Elies.


The competition, which will be held at the gang's social headquarters, Cal Figarot, will start at 10 am with the arrival of the gangs. At a quarter past 11 the order of performance will be drawn with the Gang Leaders, at a quarter past three the entrance to the square will be -where each gang will have to do it with walking pillars- and at 11 the exit to the competition. At the end, there will be xeflis for everyone and a souvenir for the participants.


But the Joverd project is not only next Saturday's competition at Cal Figarot. It starts much earlier, with castells workshops in educational centers within Physical Education classes. Over the last few months, these workshops have been held, culminating in the creation of a group in each center, with a Group Leader - who is usually the Physical Education teacher - and where they can involve students from other courses in order to achieve the constructions. In each of the rounds of Saturday's competition, a minimum will be asked of the gangs, which is what has been taught in each of the workshops. From this minimum, gangs can increase the difficulty.


After three years with the Joverd project, the Castellers de Vilafranca have a very positive assessment of it, since there has been an important entry in recent years of castellers and very young castelleras, the future of the gang.